The ResQUp…Fall Recovery and More!
When the ResQUp was first developed, it was to aid a fallen person back to a seated position. While having the ResQUp at the Physical Therapy clinic where I work, I have found other uses to help my patients with fall recovery.
Endurance Training
The more steps you are able to take in a 2 minutes time, the better your endurance level. The ResQUp can be a stable platform to work and improve your endurance. Place your right foot on the first level (4.5 inches) then back on the floor, then repeat with the left foot. Keep a record how many times you can place your right foot on then off the first step. You can watch your endurance improve over time! See the 2 minute step test video for more details.
Balance Training
The ResQUp has 3 levels at various heights. The first level 4.5 inches, the second level is 9.0 inches, and the 3rd level is 13.5 inches. I have found it helpful having my patients pick up their feet at various levels to improve balance. The higher a person is able to pick up their feet, the higher level of balance skill needed. Many people have difficulties with their balance as they age. This may result in a shuffled type walk. You may need to hold onto a counter a first until your balance improves. Always consult a licensed professional if you have any questions with your balance.
Check out our post on Balance Exercises for Seniors for more fall recovery information.
Strengthening the Upper Body
I recommend that you do not wait for a fall to improve your strength and mobility. The ResQUp can help improve your strength by sitting in a standard height chair of ~18 inches. Place your folded ResQUp in front of the chair you are sitting in, then lower yourself to the top of the ResQUp. Use your arms and legs to move from the top level of the ResQUp at 13.5 inches back to the chair. Doing this exercise several times may improve your arm and leg strength. As you build you strength and confidence, you can work your way to the lower levels by unfolding the ResQUp. Before you know it, you may be able to get yourself all the way to the floor and back up!